Stupidest Dares Kids Have Done, Social Media Challenges

The chances that your teen volition be dared to do something risky is no longer limited to peer pressure at school and sleepovers. Any child with access to social media has likely already been exposed to stupid, gross, or unsafe dares that are trending online. Although they are called "social media challenges," do not be fooled into thinking they are positive or cute contests such as the ice bucket challenge. Social media challenges have brought dares to a whole new level.

What is a social media claiming?

A social media challenge is simply a challenge, or a cartel, made to the public on social media. The problem is that America's youth have taken the concept likewise far by participating in some fairly dangerous risks and and so posting the video online for all to see. Teens view these challenges as a manner to ease their colorlessness and achieve respect from their friends and "likes" on their social media. Many of them also hope that their video will get "viral" so the hazard involved keeps increasing as teens try to attain a bigger audience.

Here are some of the popular challenges kids have tried in the past or are trying now:

The Tide Pod Challenge . Teens are posting videos of themselves chewing Tide Pods and then challenge friends to see who will exercise information technology and how far they'll get earlier spitting information technology out. The risks of ingesting detergent are vomiting, throat burns, centre injuries, and fifty-fifty death.

The Deodorant Claiming . A teen holds an droplets deodorant tin can as close to their peel as possible and sprays it for a prolonged flow of time causing first- to second-degree burns.

The Eraser Challenge . Youth accept an eraser and rub information technology on their hands or forearms as hard as they can for 30 seconds, which causes a painful welt and can break the pare.

The Real Food Challenge . There are several versions of this challenge, simply basically there are two teens who sit in front end of two covered dishes. The teens take to eat whatever is unveiled – one of the dishes is always "real food" and the other contains something gross, such every bit dog food or insects.

The Cinnamon Challenge . Teens are dared to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon, which causes coughing, choking, and burning eyes.

The Salt and Ice Challenge . The youth puts common salt on their pare and holds an ice cube on pinnacle, commonly for a specific amount of fourth dimension or in contest with someone else. The salt causes the ice to driblet in temperature to virtually -thirty degrees Celsius, which causes second- to third-degree burns on their skin.

The Choking Game . Teens use limited strangulation to reduce oxygen to the brain, causing the participant to faint.

The Burn down Challenge . The youth douses himself with a flammable liquid like rubbing alcohol, then lights himself on fire before jumping into a shower or pool.

The Duct Tape Challenge . Teens duct-tape the participant to a pole, and the participant must try to break free.

Automobile Surfing . A passenger stands on the roof, hood, or bumper of a moving vehicle.

The 48 Hour Claiming . Teens are encouraged to go missing for 48-hours. Teens earn points the longer they can stay hidden without their parents knowing where they are. Success is measured by the number of social media mentions or pleas from worried parents that are posted, whether the police force are informed and the calibration of searches in order to try and discover them.

Why do teens similar these dares?

Experts believe teens are driven to these types of behaviors for a few reasons:

  1. The frontal lobe of the brain where controlling and logic operate is underdeveloped in adolescents, which ways that they practice non think rationally, consider logical consequences, or control impulsive behavior very well.
  2. Adolescent brains are loaded with dopamine which causes teens to seek out reward. Most teens seek attention and acceptance, then when they receive shares and "likes" on their social media, they feel rewarded.
  3. Their brains are programmed to seek out new experiences and risks to encourage learning. Unfortunately, sometimes these risks are dangerous.

How do I prevent my teen from doing one of these challenges?

Your best bet to foreclose your teen from engaging in i or more of these challenges is having open and honest communication almost the new dare civilization in media. Here are some tips:

Do non judge . As a parent, your ultimate goal is to make sure your teen feels safety coming to you and asking about things. To create this type of surround, you must be willing to engage in open up, honest advice that does not put your child down. Even if you disapprove of the challenge, simply provide the facts around the act rather than offering your opinion on the stupidity of the human activity.

Aid your teen assess risk . Since their brains are not fully adult, your teen has not idea through all of the consequences and then explain the risk of these challenges. Brand sure you focus on both the immediate and long-term risks, since teens tend to care more about the present and experience invincible. Immediate risks could include pain or rejection by peers. And, when discussing the long-term consequences, don't forget to mention that what is uploaded to the Internet never truly leaves. Their potential college choice, a future employer, or fifty-fifty a romantic partner can discover their video years from now.  This process of assessing run a risk will actually teach your teen problem-solving skills that will help them in the hereafter.

Assist your teen assess popularity . Popularity, acceptance, and fame are the driving motivators behind these challenges. Remind your teen that not "everyone is doing it" and that the "wow gene" people might have doesn't mean they are impressed in a positive mode. Daze does non equal approval. Finally, aid them consider their ain reputation – how exercise they desire to exist viewed by their peers?

Offering your teen positive risks . Adolescents are risk-takers. Instead of working against this natural aspect of youth, parents tin provide teens the opportunity to take risks that are positive. Fun activities, such as ziplines or roller coasters, and challenges, such every bit starting a club at school or trying a new sport, tin also satisfy a teen's inner dare devil.

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