Town and Country Hardware Johns Island South Carolina

The Anglo-Saxon period in the history of Great Britain

Information technology was a beautiful and desperate leap  of the year 449 when long narrow boats of newcomers came swiftly to the shores of Kent or nearby and landed at that place. The resistance was useless as the tall strong men with flowing hair and bronzed faces, glittering swords and shields leaped ashore ane after another. They came from the meadows past the marshes, from the nighttime forest and the flat and sandy shores of the Due north Body of water, which were overcrowded and couldn't requite enough food for the people, living there. And so, the newcomers became masters of the state which we know now equally England but at those fourth dimension it hadn't had any name nevertheless.

The Anglo-Saxon Period in the History of Britain

Anglo-Saxon — Англосаксы (Общее название германских племен — англов, саксов, ютов и фризов, положивших начало английскому народу).

The Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain

 ane. Jutes, Angles and Saxon in Great United kingdom

  • desirable — желанный
  • Angles ['æŋglz] — Англы
  • Saxons  ['sæks(ə)n] — Cаксы
  • Jutes [ʤuːts] — Юты
  • warlike — воинственный

The Germanic tribes invaded Britain in the 5th century. When the Romans left, the country was absolutely leadless and caught. This was the best time for the Germanic tribes to come as for them the British Isles had been a desirable state for a long time.

The near powerful Germanic tribes to settle downward were Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

Jutes were the first to settle in United kingdom. It is believed that they came from the territory of later French republic. This tribe settled in southern office of Britain: in Kent and the Isle of Wight.

Angles and Saxon came from the territory of Germany and Denmark. Saxon fabricated their homes in Sussex (Due south Saxons), Essex (Eastward Saxons), Midlesex (Center Saxons), Wessex (West Saxons). Angles settled in East Anglia: Norfolk (Due north folk), Suffolk (South folk) and Lincolnshire.

The British Celts fought the Germanic tribes, only Anglo-Saxon army was well organized, they were very potent and warlike and it was hard to resist them. As a effect, the Britons had to leave their homes and become to the Western office of state to settle down there. This territory was chosen "Weallas» which meant «the state of the foreigners». This part of Britain is called Wales now. Other Celts went to the Northern part of the country to the country that is known as Scotland. Therefore, the oldest tribe of Celts inhabited Wales and Scotland.

That was a long fighting for the land, merely gradually new settlers began to feel at home. The country was divided into seven kingdoms: East Anglia, Mercia, Northumbria, where Angles settled; Essex, Sussex, Wessex with Saxon settlements and Jutes forming kingdom of Kent. Each group of settlers had a leader: a strong and successful leader became the king of the kingdom. The king ruled his kingdom and had an army.

Angles were the strongest of all three tribes. Later ii tribes: Angles and Saxons united and were called Anglo-Saxons. They called their country — England or «the Land of Angles».

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ii. Celtic Resistance

From the paragraph you will know how the Celts resist the invaders and how they failed.

  • Ambrosius Aurelianus — Амвросий Аврелиан (вождь бриттов, разгромивший саксов)
  • Wansdyke — земляной вал (см. фото)
  • King Arthur [kɪŋ 'ɑːθə] — Король Артур
  • Egbert — Король Эгберт

In the early on 6th century Ambrosius Aurelianus headed the resistance against the Anglo-Saxon invaders. It is believed that nether the Ambrosius leadership Wansdyke was constructed, that is a serial of defensive earthwork in the West Country dating from the Dark Ages. Ambrosius with his army fought against the Saxons and won the battle at Mons Badonicus (Mount Badon). This established a catamenia of peace for the Britons.

A photo of Wansdyke. The Anglo-Saxon period in the history of Great Britain

A photo of Wansdyke

Another brave Celtic tribal leader was King Arthur. We all know the legend of Male monarch Arthur, his knights of the Circular Table, Camelot kingdom and the queen Guinevere. What was truthful and what was a fable nosotros will not know now. But there is historical evidence that there was a peachy leader, whose proper name was Arthur, who resisted and struggled against Germanic invaders in the 6th century. A lot was written nigh Male monarch Arthur, a man who fought for the Celtic people's independence and became a national hero.

Due to this resistance of the brave Celts, the borders of the kingdom were shifting constantly. The territory of Britain underwent many political changes: the early settlers created tribal groups, which later were formed into kingdoms and sub-kingdoms. In the fifth and 6th centuries, the country was divided into seven kingdoms, in the beginning of the ninth century the state at that place were four kingdoms — Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia and Wessex. And during the reign of King Egbert these kingdoms were reorganized once once again.

The word "-shire" means part of the territory which was cut off. Sometimes it was called after a town of importance, such as Derbyshire or Lincolnshire.

Egbert was the king of Wessex kingdom, just soon he became and then powerful that by 827 he had conquered Mercia, Northumbria, Kent, Sussex, Surrey and North Wales territories that together formed England. He was acknowledged to be the overlord of England. He is known as the first monarch who established a stable rule over all of Anglo-Saxon England.

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 3. Anglo-Saxon influence

From this paragraph you volition know about the Anglo-Saxon influence on the country, their way of life, the names they gave to their settlements and some more than.

The Anglo-Saxon menstruation connected more than 600 years from 410 to 1066 and the influence of Anglo-Saxon was great.

First of all, when Anglo-Saxon settlers came to Britain, they started to change the houses. They replaced the Roman stone buildings with the wooden ones, brick and tile buildings were no longer built. Anglo-Saxon settlers' houses were small wooden huts with a straw roof.

The Anglo-Saxon period in the history of Great Britain

The Anglo-Saxon House

Within the house there was just one room in which the whole family lived, ate and slept. They preferred an agrarian lifestyle so most of the Roman towns were abandoned. They looked for place with lots of natural resources like food, water and forest to build and rut their homes, that was near forests. They built villages surrounding them with loftier contend to protect cattle from wild animals, and to keep out enemies. Though not all Roman towns were abandoned. Some chiefs realized that a metropolis with cracking fortress was an advantage, so they built wooden houses inside the walls of Roman towns like London.

 four. Anglo-Saxon place names

  • chieftain ['ʧiːft(ə)n] — вождь
  • in charge — во главе

The Anglo-Saxons settled in many different parts of the country – the Jutes in Kent, the Angles in Eastward Anglia, the Saxons in parts of Essex, Wessex, Sussex and Middlesex. Early Anglo-Saxon villages were named afterward the leader of the tribe that is for anybody to know who was in charge. For case. "Reading" was Redda'south village – where Redda was the local chieftain.

Anglo-Saxons gear up up their ham or abode, for case Billingham or Clapham, and their ton or boondocks, for example, Harlington or Brighton, nearly the mouth of a river or in a sheltered bay. These names are still written on the maps today.

Even now many towns and villages nonetheless bear their Anglo-Saxon names. These places often have 'ing' or 'folk' somewhere in their name, for case Suffolk or Norfolk (in Old English 'inga' and 'folc' meant people). Names with ' wick / wich' endings meant arts and crafts: Woolwich (sheep), Butterwick (dairy), Chiswick (cheese).And of form the name "England" as well comes from the Saxon discussion "Bending-Land".

5. Christianity

  • religious beliefs — религиозные убеждения
  • pagans — язычники

When the Anglo-Saxons tribes came they brought their religious beliefs with them. In Roman United kingdom many people were Christians, only the early Anglo-Saxons were pagans. The futurity pope, Gregory the Great, when beginning saw fair-haired Anglo-Saxon captives told "not Angles merely angels" and dreamt that he would bring Christianity to these pagans. That happened in AD 597, when Saint Augustine, forth with 40 companions, returned from the mission to the Angles' homeland and most of the country was converted to Christianity.

 half dozen. English linguistic communication's development

The Anglo-Saxon menstruum gave ascent to the English spoken language too as the spread of the written English. Writing came with the introduction of Christianity. There appeared professional poets, and in seventh century the greatest monument to Anglo-Saxon verse – "the Poem of Beowulf" was created. It tells the story of a dauntless pagan warrior and his battles with monsters and dragons.

 7. Legal system

In Advertisement 928 the English state was created, which not only established a construction for the nation's police force and politics simply also was the beginning step for the later English parliament. At that time at that place was created the police force-code of Rex Æthelberht of Kent (560–616), Hlothere and Eadric's Code (c679–85), Wihtræd'southward Code (695). There appeared the Textus Roffensis or the "Rochester Codex" that contains the primeval written laws from c600 – and later codes about criminal offence and penalty, police and social club.


  1. М.С. Зимина, С.Б. Катенин «Англо-саксонские королевства» при участии Дж. Поллок (Великобритания), 2000, ISBN 5-7931-0133-0
  2. В.С. Кузнецова «England. History, Geography, Culture» (учебник для вузов), 1976

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